Barcelona – Morning expedition – Woman at 6 AM

Almost every time I visit other towns I choose one day to get up really early in the morning to experience that particular town waking up.

Last week I was in Barcelona for work and I decided to try to portrait two areas that felt extra important in these hard economic times for Spain; people that we might not see otherwise during our hectic days, those that live their lives in the dark and have nowhere to go. The other topic was to show the town getting ready for a new day.

The first photo is from the first category. This is a woman I came about while walking over Plaça de Catalunya, and I really felt for her. A woman, without almost anything besides her stroller; but still she quietly stood there and shared her bread with the birds.

Woman at 6 AM – © Pedro Hansson

The moment really did have a mix of emotions. Sadness for her situation, compassion for her willing to give but also calmness since she, a few moments after this pic was taken carefully smiled at me and then continued to feed the birds. But most of all she made think of how she ended up there.

I couldn’t imagine how it must be, to have a life like that, and moments like this always brings perspective of the differences in the world. I’m really thankful of how Sweden have tackled this recession that has hit southern Europe so badly (even though there are things that also can and must be improved in Sweden as well).

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
– Marian Wright Edelman

Stockholm through my iPhone lens – Ulriksdal

This picture is taken at Ulriksdals Park in Stockholm, just beside one of the Royal Castles. I normally don’t use heavy filtering on my photos but on rare occasions I think it adds the atmosphere that I’m searching for, and this is a time when I thought it came out ok.

The picture is taken with the normal iPhone cam and the filter and framing is from the app Magic Hour. I’ve done some final touching up with blemishes in Photoshop afterwards, as well as adding a signature.

For more pictures in this category, click “Stockholm through my iPhone lens” in the meny on the left

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.
~Chinese Proverb

@ Pedro Hansson - Ulriksdal Castle, park

Last days of snow in Stockholm

This winter went by so fast. There wasn’t much snow to talk about and on the news they are talking about 10 degrees celsius today, Saturday and Sunday, so I guess we will not see so much snow in Stockholm anymore.

During a day when I took a really long walk (the same day that I shot the pic of the seaweed posted recently) I also passed by this snowy roof against the sun. I really liked the lines of the roof and the crispy cristals of snow.

Life doesn’t have to expensive to be absolutely beautiful.

Hope you’ll have a nice weekend

Snowy roof
@ Pedro Hansson - Snowy Roof - Olympus XZ-1


Sunrise in Norrbotten – Sweden

This is a pic I took a few months ago (also in Piteå). The pic has just been lying around on my computer but I recently got some new inspiration in composition from a close friend of mine and the composition of this pic is actually a suggestion from my inspirer; and I think the result came out so much better than the original. It’s strange. Sometimes you just need that push to get out of the blocks.

In terms of other adjustments I’ve added some Noise reduction. Part from that the image is all natural.

Sunrise in Norrbotten
© Pedro Hansson - Sunrise in Norrbotten