Repost – I Wish You Enough – The True Christmas Spirit?

©Pedro Hansson - Landscape Sweden - Sony RX-100 -
©Pedro Hansson – Landscape Sweden – Sony RX-100 –

Life is, at least for me, in many ways is about finding ways to appreciate what every moment means. I think that the hard days truly serves a purpose to keep us from being blasé, when we have the really good ones.

This is a story on that subject; the thin line of being “happy” and being “sad”. There is a cliche in Sweden, that everything is best when it’s “lagom” (a Swedish word for “not to much”, and “not to less”) and maybe happiness is just that; lagom?

I wish you enough

At an airport I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together. They had announced her plane’s departure and standing near the door, he said to his daughter, “I love you, I wish you enough.”

She said, “Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy.” They kissed good-bye and she left.

He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?” “Yes, I have,” I replied.

Saying that brought back memories I had of expressing my love and appreciation for all my Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing.

“Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?” I asked.

“I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, her next trip back will be for my funeral, ” he said.

“When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough.’ May I ask what that means?”

He began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone.” He paused for a moment and looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.

“When we said ‘I wish you enough,’ we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things to sustain them,” he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish enough “Hello’s” to get you through the final “Good-bye.”

[ Original story by Bob Perks, in Chicken Soup ]

Swedish Music: Vita Bergen – Disconnection

Since over 90% of this blog’s visitors comes from other countries than Sweden, I try to give samples of the Swedish Music scene. This is a new Swedish project called Vita Bergen (White Mountains in english). A great group, with a modern/contemporary sound. As always when I hear new music I’m starting to look for similarities with other artists, and with Vita Bergen I think you’ll find some strong influences from groups like Arcade Fire.

Vita Bergens music can be described as pompous, melodic with heavy synth drapes in the background.

Even though “Curtains” seems to be their own first choice from this EP, I think that the track Disconnection is even better. Great track, and a great debut from this Swedish group!

Link to official page

Goodness – Some Thoughts About It

For a long time I’ve been thinking about the word “goodness”.

If you’re looking on a regular Facebook-feed, or other social media you’ll find a number of people telling others about their good deeds, and actually that’s wonderful! Don’t doubt that! We really need good deeds, and we really need good role models!

But a good deed, in my mind, isn’t necessarily a sign of a good person.


A good deed done in public, is always good (don’t doubt that), but a good deed done in public also has the purpose of giving credit to the person who made it.

So, in that sense, will a truly good person be?

“A person who do great things for others, while no-one else is watching”?

Do you agree?

San Francisco – Architecture

This is a photo of one side of the famous “Cliff House”, an awesome place for photography since the sun sets right outside the restaurants window.

If you ever visit San Francisco, don’t miss out on this amazing place.

© Pedro Hansson - Cliff House - Nikon D7000
© Pedro Hansson – Cliff House – Nikon D7000

San Francisco And Vegas – Photos

During the last few weeks I’ve visited San Francisco and Vegas. Two amazing cities. San Francisco when it comes to being cozy, friendly and open, and Vegas when it comes to craziness. Not a bad “crazy”. More in terms of a place that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.

This will the first post in a series, of these great cities. I hope you enjoy.

Best wishes for a new week.

© Pedro Hansson - Inside the "French shopping mall"
© Pedro Hansson – Inside the “French shopping mall”


© Pedro Hansson - Bellagio  - Las Vegas
© Pedro Hansson – Bellagio – Las Vegas

Dad Sings Blackbird To His Dying Son

This may be one of the most touching videos I’ve seen in a while. A dad looses his wife due to C-surgery, and during the last days of the son’s life he keeps playing the guitar for his son.

Full description under the Youtube-clip.

“Chris Picco singing Blackbird to his son, Lennon James Picco, who was delivered by emergency C-section at 24 weeks when Chris’ wife Ashley unexpectedly and tragically passed away in her sleep. Lennon’s lack of movement and brain activity was a constant concern for the doctors and nurses at Loma Linda University Hospital, where he received the absolute best care available. During the pregnancy, Ashley would often feel Lennon moving to music so Chris asked if he could bring his guitar into the NICU and play for Lennon, which he did for several hours during the last days of Lennon’s precious life. One day after filming this, Lennon went to sleep in his daddy’s arms.”

Ello – Get An Invite For Free

So, have you tried Ello? The new Social Network that’s ad free and non-profit? They are using an Invite-only policy, so if you don’t want to wait, drop me a text/comment/line and I’ll send an invite to the first 5 persons.

About Ello:

“What is Ello?

Ello is a simple, beautiful, and ad-free social network created by a small group of artists and designers.

We originally built Ello as a private social network. Over time, so many people wanted to join Ello that we built a public version of Ello for everyone to use.

Ello doesn’t sell ads. Nor do we sell data about you to third parties.

Virtually every other social network is run by advertisers. Behind the scenes they employ armies of ad salesmen and data miners to record every move you make. Data about you is then auctioned off to advertisers and data brokers. You’re the product that’s being bought and sold.

Collecting and selling your personal data, reading your posts to your friends, and mapping your social connections for profit is both creepy and unethical. Under the guise of offering a “free” service, users pay a high price in intrusive advertising and lack of privacy.

We also think ads are tacky, that they insult our intelligence and that we’re better without them.

Read more about our no-ad policy here.

Ello is a PBC
On October 23, 2014 Ello became a USA Public Benefit Corporation, making it virtually impossible for Ello to ever sell ads or user data. Read more here.

Support Ello
Ello is completely free to use.”

4 Tracks – 4 Different Genres

If you find any of the songs interesting, I’ve opened up my public “starred folder” for those that are interested in more tips. Guess all genres are represented in that list so be prepared for many tracks you may not like. You’ll find the list here.
Simple Minds – Big Music

This is the title song from Simple Minds new album Big Music. Really really like the bombastic sound! Great comeback from a great band!

Atmospheric / Club / Lounge
Juventa, Erica Curran – Move Into The Light

For over a minute there is just a long upbeat instrumental intro followed by the whisperous voice of Erica Curran. Great for getting into that “evening-out-feeling”.

James Blake – Retrograde

Symphonic Hardrock
Within Temptation – Paradise

The Dutch group Within Temptation (with branch colleagues like Nightwish, Tarja, Sirenia among others) is delivering a compact symphonic piece.

Best Photos From National Geographic Photo Contest

Today I browsed the internet for some photo inspiration, and came across this National Geographic’s photo contest site, and talk about inspiration! Amazing photos!

Here are some of my favorites…

Photo by Hasan Baglar

Photo by Henrik Nilsson

Photo by Istvan Kerekes

For more photos from the same contest, click here

A Man Start’s to Dance – Watch What Happens Next :)

In larger cities people get used to being “alone”, while we’re in public. But what would happen if someone broke that barrier, and started to dance? Great social experiment, and a video that suits perfect as a start of the week. Wouldn’t it be great if we started to notice each other, and one’s in a while shared some thoughts, on our way to work, school, shop and so on?

Hope you all have an inspirational week!


This week has been all about decisions.

Since I’m working with Active Decision Support, I have started to think a lot about decision processes; and how decisions are made – both professionally as well as private.

One thought that really keeps spinning is how many of our decisions/crossroads that we actually are passing/making all the time without noticing/knowing it, and how big these non-decisions really can be.

The photo is from a trip last weekend, to Gotland / Visby on a really foggy day.

© Pedro Hansson - Visby - Gotland - Sony RX-100
© Pedro Hansson – Visby – Gotland – Sony RX-100

44 år!? 25-åringen?! 44 år…. ? (In Swedish)

44 år!? 25-åringen?! 44 år…. ?

När jag växte upp brukade mina föräldrar ofta säga ”ta tillvara tiden och njut av livet, för du ska se att det bara kommer att gå fortare med åren”. På den tiden var viljan något helt annat. Längtade till moped, till körkort, till den första stora kärleken, till en musikkarriär, till att sluta plugget, till det första jobbet, till den första egna resan utomlands osv. Näsan hela tiden framåt, och inga större funderingar på vad som skulle komma.

Livet var fullt av dagar, och dagarna fulla av liv.

Idag har jag passerat de där dagarna när livet verkade oändligt, och förståelsen att vi inte lever för evigt börjar göra sig påmind. Inte på ett sätt som gör det jobbigt, utan snarare på ett sätt där det finns en tacksamhet över varje år man får.

När jag fyllde 40 var nog sista året som jag egentligen firade att jag ”blev 40”. Efter det har jag istället försökt att fira det fantastiska i att få uppleva ytterligare ett år. Har därför de senaste åren tagit semester den här dagen för att reflektera över var jag är, var jag är på väg och förhoppningsvis kunna korrigera en eller annan riktning som känns fel.

Det är också en dag för att tänka igenom livet ”så här långt”, och därför också en dag då mina fosterbröder alltid kommer i tanken. Två fosterbröder som jag tappade kontakten med under ett antal år, eller kort sagt en alldeles för lång tid. De fick inte så långa livsresor men de kommer alltid finnas med mig i mina tankar, och den här dagen är de alltid med mig extra mycket.

För fyra år sen på den här dagen hade jag mitt sista samtal med den äldre av mina fosterbröder, Ola. Han ringde för att gratta mig, och vi pratade om allt som varit och allt det som skulle komma. Ett långt samtal om livet i största allmänhet, men med mycket hopp om framtiden. Hur vi skulle hitta fler tillfällen att träffas osv. Det blev aldrig så. Han gick bort en kort tid efteråt. Något som påverkat mig djupt de senaste åren.

I nästan alla religioner nämns begreppet att leva efter döden, och min tolkning av det är att det vi gjort för andra under vår korta tid här är det som också kommer att leva förevigt. Mina bröder passar bra in på det, för de kommer alltid att leva vidare hos mig genom allt de betydde för mig under min uppväxt.

Livet är trots allt någorlunda rättvist för de flesta av oss. Vi stöter på problem längs vägen. De dyker upp lite olika ofta, och vid olika tidpunkter men de allra flesta av oss får vara med om att tappa någon nära, och också börja förstå att livet inte är för evigt. Stunder som kanske är viktiga uppvaknanden?

I allt jäv-t finns det också något bra att lära. Just händelserna ovanför lär en förhoppningsvis att njuta av livet. Att leva när vi lever, och uppskatta det lilla i livet. En öl med en god vän, fotografera en solnedgång, en golfrunda, ett spännande ”surr” långt in i natten osv. Låter säkerligen pretentiöst, men är det inte det här livet går ut på?

Det finns många fördelar med att bli äldre. Man dömer inte sig själv så hårt längre. Man har förstått att man kan göra fel, men har också (förhoppningsvis) vett att försöka göra det bättre hädanefter. En av de stora fördelarna; att man upptäcker att ingen är perfekt 🙂

Nu kanske det låter som att jag går omkring och deppar, och djupfunderar över livet i varje stund. 🙂 Det är långtifrån så, snarare tvärtom. Livet är magiskt, och som ofta annars citerar jag min mormor

– det är ju så kul att bara få vara med!

En livsvisdom, bättre än de flesta andra jag stött på.

Med allt det sagt känner jag mig idag väldigt rik. Rik på det viktiga i livet, dvs mina vänner och bekanta! Stort tack för alla gratulationer idag. Lovar att varenda en noteras, och ingen glöms! Oerhört tacksam för att ni finns där och stöttar i både upp- och nergång!



One of the best time-lapse clips I’ve seen – Lake of dreams

On my bucket list, Burning Man is high up there. Seems like nothing else in the world. Over the years some good photographers have put together some amazing time-lapse videos from the event, but I think this is one of the best ever.

Look especially at those amazing long exposures of the night sky at 3:15!

Hope you enjoy the clip!

Lake of Dreams from roy two thousand on Vimeo.

Swedish Music Legend Christian Falk Has Passed Away

The Swedish Club Music legend Christian Falk has passed away due to cancer, just 52 years of age.

For those that haven’t heard his great music, you’ll find a link to one of his albums – Quel Bordel here. Christian Falk has been a frequent topic on this blog. Both as a musician in the Swedish group Blacknuss Allstars, as well as for his great club music such as this song.

R.I.P Christian Falk

Beautiful City Of New York – Freedom Tower

This is a photo of the Freedom Tower, taken from bottom viewing up. The shape of the tower almost makes it look like a pyramid when photographed from this position. Maybe the photo would’ve been greater with a blue sky, but at the same time, this is a place that calls for reflection and respect, so a damp milky sky suited quite well.

Freedom Tower - New York - © Pedro Hansson
Freedom Tower – New York – © Pedro Hansson

Beautiful City of New York – 2

As I wrote in my first photo I tried out a few different kind of photo styles in these NY-photos. This one is kept really clean, trying to benefit from the situation.

This is a photo of the IRT Bridge in Harlem. We went to a close by steak house at a night with heavy showers (actually there were flood warning sent out), which created a perfect opportunity to benefit from the street lights, and the dark skies.

I’ve added some sharpening, cropped it slightly and lowered the blue a bit in Lightroom.

New York - Harlem, IRT Bridge - © Pedro Hansson
New York – Harlem, IRT Bridge – © Pedro Hansson